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388 records match your query.
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Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Marius Silaghi TurboSmooth Pro v1.02
R9 R2008 R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $48
TurboSmooth Pro is a modifier plugin based on the OpenSubdiv libraries from Pixar. It produces smooth semi-sharp creases on your models, unlike the ugly creases that the standard TurboSmooth produces. It also give you the ability to have linear UVs, which in some cases can help in the texturing pipeline.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Marius Silaghi Shell Pro v1.0
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $48
Shell Pro is a modifier that creates a shell around models without causing self-intersections unlike the standard Shell modifier which produces a lot of self-intersections. Surface details are also preserved very well. Additionally it has options for chamfering, filleting and beveling the edge of the shell.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Marius Silaghi Path Deform Pro v1.0
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $48
Path Deform Pro is a modifier that deforms models along a path without causing self-intersections unlike the standard Path Deform modifier which produces a lot of self-intersections. It produces less pinching and stretching where the path bends. Additionally, it has options for volume preservation, slinky effect, rolling, rigid deformation, rotation/scaling with a curve and full control of the up vector using another spline to look at and much more.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Marius Silaghi Clothify Pro v1.0
R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $96
Clothify Pro is a modifier that makes modelling and animating cloth easy, controllable, artist-friendly, fast and non-destructive. You get instant results, no waiting around for a simulation to finish. Painful sculpting of cloth can also be avoided. Edit a parameter and see instantly what it does. Every parameter can be controlled by soft selection, vertex weights or vertex colors, giving you unprecedented control. Any deformation applied underneath the modifier affects the cloth so you can make use of any of the many modifiers Max has such as Edit Poly, Skin, FFD, Bend, Affect Region, Path Deform etc. It can also be used with the Freeform brushes. Actually it can be used with anything that deforms the mesh.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Marius Silaghi Deformation Cleaner v1.0
R9 R2008 R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $48
Deformation Cleaner is a modifier that smooths arbitrary deformations in a model without smoothing the original detail. It can be used as a fast post correction step on top of any deformation.

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Marius Silaghi Radial Symmetry v1.11
R9 R2008 R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $30
Radial Symmetry allows you to model radial structures and see the end result. Situations in which you could use the Radial Symmetry modifier are:
- When modelling anything with a radial structure (eg. rims, tyres, flowers)
- When you what to prototype something circular
- When you want to kit bash something fast

No demo version available.

32-bit: Yes
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Mateusz Staniszew msKonektus v0.1
R2017 R2018 R2019 R2020 R2021 $8
msKonektus allows you to connect vertices or particles using different geometry, similar to the Plexus plugin in After Effects. It is fast and efficient, and provides you with many different parameters to customize your final effect. It works with geometry and particles (standard partcles, Particle Flow, tyFlow).

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Michael Burgoyne Microbiology Primitives v2.0
R2014 R2015 R2016 R2017 R2018 $1.99
This commercial MAXScript allows you to generate a red blood cell, virus or bacteria. It will also generate a group of them in random positions.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Mihail Lupu maxWrap v1.02
R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $19.99
This commercial MAXScript is a topology / textures transfer tool that lets you wrap/conform retopo models assets on to another mesh data.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes
Developer / WWW Name / WWW Info Max Versions Price
Mihail Lupu Slice Tool v1.0
R2020 R2021 R2022 R2023 R2024 R2025 $5
SliceTool is a commercial MAXScript used to fracture objects and control the fracture shapes. You can use free spline drawing or custom spline shapes (trim / bool/ creation from scratch) as slicers to get a specific fracture shape.

No demo version available.

32-bit: No
64-bit: Yes

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