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19 records match your query.
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Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Larry Minton / Avguard Animation Avguard MAXScript Extensions v7.09
97.4 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This is a large selection of extremely useful functions for MAXScript.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Rex Hill Battlefield 2 Export Extension v1.0
3.54 MB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This MAXScript extension is needed by the Battlefield 2 MAXScript exporter.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Jonathan Garcia Browse for Folder v1.0
4 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This MAXScript extension mimics the behaviour of the standard getSavePath function in Max 8 but for Max 7 (although it works in Max 8 too).
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Chris Johnson ChrisTools v0.3
32.7 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This MAXScript extension has 3 miscellaneous tools. The following functions are included:

- IntervalArray: This creates an array from integer interval steps between two float values.

- formatf: This formats a float value to a string without casting it in scientific notation. This has an option as to how many decimal places are included.

- sprintf: A wrapper to the C / C++ function of the same name. This is an advanced function, and is similar to the MAXScript 'format' tool, only it's a little more advanced. However at this time it only takes 1 value and converts it. Future versions will take multiple values.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Jonathan Garcia Delete Visibility Track v1.0
6.4 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This MAXScript extension exposes a function in Max that enables you to delete a visibility track using MAXScript.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Chris Johnson Determinant v1.0
73.3 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

A determinant is a mathematical structure that is used in linear algebra and is useful for solving linear systems and for computing the inverse of matrices. This is a MAXScript extension that creates a determinant class in MAXScript that is a concrete primary class. Much like the integer or float or matrix class is a concrete data type in MAXScript, so also is this determinant.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
John Burnett fooLib v14.0
145 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

FooLib is a collection of interfaces containing new functions and properties for use in MAXScript.

- IFooAdvancedLighting - Provides access to the Advanced Lighting dialog
- IFooBitmap - Methods for working with Bitmap files and values
- IFooFile - Methods for working with external files and directories
- IFooInfo - Provides information on FooLib itself
- IFooMaxFile - Methods for working with external Max files
- IFooMesh - Methods for working with mesh objects
- IFooModifier - Methods for working with modifiers
- IFooParticle - Methods for working with particle systems
- IFooScript - Methods dealing with MAXScript
- IFooSystem - Exposes Windows system related functions
- IFooUtil - A catch-all collection of methods that don't fit in any other category
- IFooViewport - Provides access to Max viewports
- FooPointOctree - An octree data-structure that holds a set of points, and is used to accellerate searches within that set
- LapTimer - A high-precision timer
- VertexTMArray - Hold arrays of Matrix3 values which transform between world space and vertex space of a given node
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Chris Johnson GetColorPicker v1.0
26.2 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This extension gives access to the color picker dialog in MAXScript.
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Jonathan Garcia HalfVector MSX Extension v1.0
12.2 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

This is a set of functions for assigning user properties to the rootNode. The functions include: getUserPropertyString, getUserPropertyInt, getUserPropertyFloat, getUserPropertyBool, setUserProperty, getUserPropertyBuffer, setUserPropertyBuffer, userPropertyExists

It also includes the function getChildWindows() that gathers the handles to the opened (and not minimized) child windows (it only gathers 'minimizable' windows).
Author / WWW Name / Download Plugin Type
Kees Rijnen Helium v1.24
942 KB
MAXScript Extension
Compiled / Description

Helium is a Schematic Framework that allows you to create Flow-chart User Interfaces within Max, via MAXScript. Consider Helium like any other MAXScript UI control, like a button or a spinner, granted a far more powerful one. Helium can even be used to create dynamic custom UIs. Each Helium node could easily be used as a button, for example. This allows you to dynamically build and alter your UIs at any time.

Kees has now open-sourced Helium, and the zip file linked to above also contains the source code.

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