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58 records match your query.
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Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Daniel Rind muhHair v1.01
65.6 KB
Material / Shadow
Compiled / Description

muhHair is a hair shader (meant to be used on hair geometry *only*) which is considerably faster than the default hair shader, and offers a lot more options to create realistic looking hair.

The 64-bit version of this shader can be downloaded here.
The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Duiker Research Corporation drUtilSuite v1.01
4.25 MB
Compiled / Description

This is a collection of shaders for mental ray 3.4 to 3.9 that is aimed at making it easier to create custom networks of shaders. The drUtilSuite includes the following categories of shaders:

Logic Shaders:
- drAnd_v1
- drAnd_v2 - Array
- drOr_v1
- drOr_v2 - Array
- drXOr_v1
- drNot_v1
- drEqualScalar_v1
- drNotEqualScalar_v1
- drEqualColor_v1
- drNotEqualColor_v1
- drEqualVector_v1
- drNotEqualVector_v1
- drGreaterThanScalar_v1
- drGreaterThanOrEqualScalar_v1
- drLessThanScalar_v1
- drLessThanOrEqualScalar_v1
- drGreaterThanColor_v1
- drGreaterThanOrEqualColor_v1
- drLessThanColor_v1
- drLessThanOrEqualColor_v1
- drGreaterThanVector_v1
- drGreaterThanOrEqualVector_v1
- drLessThanVector_v1
- drLessThanOrEqualVector_v1
- drInRangeColor_v1
- drInRangeScalar_v1
- drInRangeVector_v1
- drIsObject_v1
- drInRasterPositionRange_v1
- drInBetweenVector_v1
- drIfThenElseScalar_v1
- drIfThenElseColor_v1
- drIfThenElseVector_v1

Conversion Shaders:
- drColor2Vector_v1
- drColor2Scalar_v1
- drColor2Scalars_v1
- drColor2Boolean_v1
- drColor2Integer_v1
- drVector2Color_v1
- drVector2Scalar_v1
- drVector2Scalars_v1
- drVector2Boolean_v1
- drVector2Integer_v1
- drScalar2Color_v1
- drScalar2Vector_v1
- drScalar2Boolean_v1
- drScalars2Color_v1
- drScalars2Vector_v1
- drScalar2Integer_v1
- drBoolean2Color_v1
- drBoolean2Vector_v1
- drBoolean2Scalar_v1
- drBoolean2Integer_v1
- drInteger2Boolean_v1
- drInteger2Scalar_v1
- drInteger2Vector_v1
- drInteger2Color_v1

Layer Shaders:
- drOver_v1
- drSwitchMatte_v1
- drMatteMult_v1
- drMatteDiv_v1
- drSetAlpha_v1
- drCopyChannelColor_v1
- drCopyChannelVector_v1
- drSetChannelColor_v1
- drSetChannelVector_v1
- drMixerColor2_v1
- drMixerColor4_v1
- drMixerColor8_v1
- drMixerColor16_v1
- drMixerScalar2_v1
- drMixerScalar4_v1
- drMixerScalar8_v1
- drMixerScalar16_v1
- drMixerVector2_v1
- drMixerVector4_v1
- drMixerVector8_v1
- drMixerVector16_v1
- drReorderColor_v1
- drReorderVector_v1

Math Shaders:
- drAddColor_v2
- drAddScalar_v1
- drAddVector_v1
- drSubColor_v2
- drSubScalar_v1
- drSubVector_v1
- drSubAColor_v2
- drSubAScalar_v1
- drSubAVector_v1
- drMultColor_v2
- drMultScalar_v1
- drMultVector_v1
- drDivColor_v2
- drDivScalar_v1
- drDivVector_v1
- drMinColor_v2
- drMinScalar_v1
- drMinVector_v1
- drMaxColor_v2
- drMaxScalar_v1
- drMaxVector_v1
- drMixColor_v2
- drMixScalar_v1
- drMixVector_v1
- drClampColor_v3
- drClampScalar_v1
- drClampVector_v2
- drThresholdColor_v2
- drThresholdScalar_v1
- drThresholdVector_v1
- drCompressColor_v2
- drCompressScalar_v1
- drCompressVector_v1
- drExpandColor_v2
- drExpandScalar_v1
- drExpandVector_v1
- drInvertColor_v2
- drInvertScalar_v1
- drInvertVector_v1
- drModColor_v2
- drModScalar_v1
- drModVector_v1
- drFloorColor_v2
- drFloorScalar_v1
- drFloorVector_v1
- drCeilColor_v2
- drCeilScalar_v1
- drCeilVector_v1

Utility Shaders:
- drDebugColor_v1
- drDebugVector_v1
- drDebugScalar_v1
- drDebugBoolean_v1
- drNullColor_v2
- drNullScalar_v1
- drNullVector_v1
- drConstColor_v2
- drConstScalar_v1
- drConstVector_v1
- drNormalizeVector_v1
- drVectorNorm_v1
- drSelectColor_v1
- drSelectScalar_v1
- drSelectColor2_v1
- drSelectColor4_v1
- drSelectColor8_v1
- drSelectColor16_v1
- drSelectScalar2_v1
- drSelectScalar4_v1
- drSelectScalar8_v1
- drSelectScalar16_v1
- drSwitchColor_v4
- drRayTypeSelect_v1
- drSetOpacity_v1
- drShadowPass_v1
- drSelectVector_v1
- drSelectVector2_v1
- drSelectVector4_v1
- drSelectVector8_v1
- drSelectVector16_v1

State Shaders:
- drStateRasterPos_v1
- drStateOrg_v1
- drStateDir_v1
- drStatePoint_v1
- drStateNormal_v1
- drStateGeometricNormal_v1
- drStateMotion_v1
- drStateRasterX_v1
- drStateRasterY_v1
- drStateRasterWidth_v1
- drStateRasterHeight_v1
- drStateDist_v1
- drStateTime_v1
- drStateDotND_v1
- drStateInvNormal_v1
- drStateReflectionLevel_v1
- drStateRefractionLevel_v1
- drStateLabel_v1
- drStateInstance_v1
- drStateReflectionLevelScalar_v1
- drStateRefractionLevelScalar_v1
- drStateLabelScalar_v1
- drStateInstanceScalar_v1
- drStateRayTypeScalar_v1
- drStateTextureCoord_v1

Lens Shaders:
- drLensPanoramic_v1
- drLensGamma_v1
- drLensBrightness_v1

Geometry Shaders:
- drGeomSetAreaLightType_v1

Light Shaders:
- drParticleLight_v1

Environment Shaders:
- drEnvironmentPanoramic_v1

Illumination Shaders:
- drDebugIllumLambert_v1
- drDebugLightPoint_v1

Multipass Shaders:
- drMultipassGeometry_v5
- drMultipassGeometry8_v5
- drMultipassGeometry16_v5
- drMultipassSurface_v5
- drMultipassSurface8_v5
- drMultipassSurface16_v5
- drMultipassLens_v5
- drMultipassLens8_v5
- drMultipassSamplesMerge_v1
- drMultipassGeometrySamplesWrite_v1
- drMultipassGeometrySamplesMerge_v1
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Florian Wild HLS Shader v1.0
4 KB
Compiled / Description

The Hapke-Lommel-Seeliger shader is intended to be used for simulating the reflectance distribution of the lunar surface, but it might be used anywhere where rough surface shading is needed.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Florian Wild E103 Shader v1.0
4 KB
Compiled / Description

This BRDF shader is good for simulating rough metal.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Francesca Luce ctrl_Rays v1.0
4 KB
Compiled / Description

This very useful shader allows you to assign different materials for reflection, refraction, transparency, final gathering, shadows etc. It can also be used to speed up final gathering by using a simplified material for the FG precomp, and then using your actual material for the render.

The Include file for Max is in the zip file.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Francesca Luce ctrl_Occlusion v1.6d
50.8 KB
Compiled / Description

Ctrl_Occlusion is a shader that does directional occlusion to simulate area light shadows. It can be anything from 2x to 5x faster in certain situations.

The Zip file contains an include file for Max, and a demo file to demonstrate one of the ways to use the shader.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Fredrik Brännbacka madVelvet v1.0
31.3 KB
Compiled / Description

This is a mentalray version of the velvet shader that Stephen H Westin wrote for Renderman.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Grant Adam ShadowPass v1.02
314 KB
Compiled / Description

ShadowPass is a material based on the standard Matte/Shadow, but designed to be used solely for shadow catching. It supports coloured shadows / lights, and outputs the shadows in the RGB channels with a solid alpha (the Matte/Shadow material in Max outputs no RGB information, and the shadows are just a luma pass in the alpha channel).
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Guy Rabiller lm_2DMV v2.0p
7.1 KB
Compiled / Description

Exports 2D motion vectors for use with ReelSmart Motion Blur.

The Include file for Max can be downloaded here. I know it says it is for Maya, but the include file will also work in Max.
Author / WWW Name / Download Shader Type
Holger Schönberger BA_illum_flat_light v24.02
3.10 MB
Material / Shadow
Compiled / Description

This is a flat shader that supports translucency. With this shader the object has no shading, it is as bright as all light that hits the object.

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