MAX News Archive

Archived Plugin News  –  November 2019

Plugin Update: Utilities

Changes for v3.07.71 are:
- Adds support for the latest version of Octane
- Adds support for the latest version of Redshift
- Updates the design of the default Material Studio
- Updates the supported .NET Framework version to 4.5.2
- Extends the supported versions of MySQL Server from v5.6 to v8.0
- Hidden object categories now remain hidden when merging objects with hidden categories
- Adds a new API mode 'BeforeOpen' for Batch Render&Relink
- Adds MySQL database migration from SQL backup files for Models and Materials Managers
- Fixes an issue with restoring a MySQL database from SQL files for version 2
- Fixes some issues generating a preview for SBSAR files
- Fixes some potential issues with colorizing nodes
- Fixes a problem with starting the plugin on some computers
- Fixes some issues with refreshing treeview in team-work mode
- Fixes a bug opening the 'Render Thumbnail Preferences' dialog in Max 2016 and below
- Fixes some issues with rendering previews
- Fixes some minor issues with the user interface
- Fixes a bug with saving materials to the Material Library in Max 2017 and below
- Fixes some important issues with plugin settings
- Fixes an issue with the option 'Use Delete Key'
- Fixes some minor installation issues
- Fixes an issue with selecting multiple nodes in the treeview
- Fixes an issue with generating PDF files
- Fixes a bug with backup settings

Project Manager is available for Max 2014 to 2020 and costs $75. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Particles / Animation

Changes for v4.00.00 are:
- Adds a new rigid body solver node that interacts with the Liquid Simulator
- Adds a new TexUVW channel for fire/smoke and liquid simulations
- Adds a new Voxel Tuner node allowing you to change any grid channel during simulation
- Adds a new Particle Tuner node allow you to change any particle channel during simulation
- Adds Phoenix FD Birth, Sample and Force operators for thinkingParticles
- Adds a new Standalone Previewer tool for AUR, VDB and F3D cache files
- You can now simulate the RGB channel for Drag particles
- The PRT Reader path can now be registered into the Max Asset Tracker
- Adds a new MAXScript function to retrieve the currently loaded frame info string
- And many more improvements and fixes... a full list can be found here

Phoenix FD is available for Max 2015 to 2020 and costs €600. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modifiers

Changes for v1.61 are:
- Fixes a crash problem on Edit/Editable Poly objects
- Fixes a memory leak
- Fixes a problem with UI radio buttons
- Internal code clean-up

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v4.30.00 are:
- Adds a renderer parameter so VRayHDRI maps can determine the color space from the file name
- Adds V-Ray GPU support for RT cores of NVIDIA RTX cards
- Adds V-Ray GPU support for disabled 'Memory frame buffer'
- Adds V-Ray GPU support for Deep EXR output
- Adds the Chaos Cloud client app installer to the V-Ray for 3ds Max installer
- Adds a sharp isotropic texture filtering method to VRayHDRI
- UVW coordinates can now be controlled through another map
- Adds a VRayHDRI parameter to control blur separately when using UVW coords from another texture
- Adds the ability for normal texture maps to be a part of a shading graph in OSL for 3ds Max
- Adds VRayVolumeGrid support for rendering the Phoenix FD TexUVW channel
- vrscene exporter now exports material IDs of materials used in VRayBlendMtl
- Improves sampling of directional lights
- Adds adaptive dome VRayLight support for Light Cache from file
- Adds 'Animation' and 'Still' presets for the Light cache
- Changes the default values of the Progressive image sampler
- Adds multi-threaded execution of OpenEXR compression and decompression to improve performance
- Updates Embree to v3.2.0
- Updates OpenEXR to v2.3.0
- Raytrace material now renders as black to mitigate problems with it
- Adds GI contribution to the Isolate Selected objects in Debug Shading in V-Ray IPR
- Adds a pre-multiplied light cache in V-Ray GPU that enables shading calculation optimization
- Adds debug shading for selected sub-materials in V-Ray GPU
- Improves user-defined shader (GLSL, MDL etc.) compilation in V-Ray GPU
- Optimizes V-Ray GPU mesh transfers to multiple devices
- And much more... a full list of chnages and fixes can be found here

V-Ray Next is available for Max 2013 to 2020 and costs $850. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Utilities

Changes for v3.12 are:
- Adds V-Ray GPU Renderer support
- Adds FStorm Renderer and Render Element support
- Adds VexusMtl MXS global 'CURRENT_VEXUSMTL'
- Adds 'vexus.SubmissionPercent' property
- Modifier isolate improvements
- Adds Deadline submitter support for 'Copy all external file references to repository'
- Fixes Max scene queries
- Fixes nested layer selections
- Fixes a bug in Material Iterator
- Fixes a V-Ray castShadows bug
- Fixes a bug with V-Ray separate render element bitmap output
- Improves logging
- Miscellaneous stability improvements

Vexus is available for Max 2015 to 2020 and costs $200. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Particles

Changes for v0.16059 beta are:
- The mapping operator can now do per-vertex mapping overrides on particle meshes
- The mapping operator now has camera mapping options
- tySplineMesher now has more options for when inheriting radius from knots
- Adds a 'Taper by age' option to tySplineMesher
- Adds a 'sort knots' option to tySplines weld parameters
- Surface Force texture mode now has a face/vertex normal option
- Improves multithread performance in tyBoolean modifier for input meshes with multiple elements
- Adds a rudimentary particle (point) display option to tyCache object
- Adds a 'recursive child count' property to the Property Test
- Scale operator scale by sibling/target now has individual axis affect spinners
- The PhysX Collider operator now properly interprets pivot offset transforms of input geometry
- Fixes a bug where moving an Export Particles operator in/out of active events reset the sim
- PhysX bend angle breaking/deforming is now more accurate and intuitive
- Fixes a bug where non-fluid-containers were selectable within Birth Fluid/Fluid Force operators
- Fixes an issue with uvToWorld conversion in Surface Force
- Fixes a bug where linking within the Set Target operator was not working
- Fixes a bug where the Spin operator 'relative to speed' option wasn't working properly
- Fixes a bug where Phoenix containers improperly influenced particles advected through them
- Fixes an issue with tyFlow's surface intersection calculations
- Fixes the Custom Properties operator interpolating scale/spin/pos/vel magnitude values wrongly

Plugin Update: Utilities

Changes for v3.99 are:
- Adds support for Corona Render v5.0
- Changes the licensing system to use one license for 2 computers
- Fixes an issue with on/off 'Cast shadows' option when converting CoronaLight to VrayLight
- Fixes an error when baking maps if their names contain invalid characters
- The MZP installer has been rewritten and now has an uninstaller

V-RayMtl Converter is available for Max 2013 to 2020 and costs $24.

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v2019.1.4 - 8.13 are:
- Updates to Octane Render 2019.1.4
- Fixes motion blur settings not updating correctly when changing viewports / cameras
- Fixes issues with phoenixFD liquid and particles when changing the timeline
- Fixes an issue with displacement vertex updates
- Fixes a render mode update for RailClone objects
- Fixes an unnecessary Forest Pack update when changing frames
- Fixes occasional crashes

OctaneRender is available for Max 2013 to 2020 and costs $619. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling / Animation

Changes for v6.2.9.21375 are:
- Adds an option to Baked Hair to not save grounding data with the scene
- Adds viewport camera-facing hairs, with an option to revert to non-camera facing hairs
- Preserve Length option in the Clump modifier now only works for hairs shorter than the clump
- Fixes control points from displaying incorrectly
- Planting a guide when using multiple per-strand control points no longer causes an assertion
- Fixes incorrect UI strings in Hair from Guides interpolation barycentric parameter
- You can now set 0 strands with Uniform distribution
- Numerous improvements to the stability of the Frizz operator to avoid temporal jittering

Ornatrix is available for Max 2014 to 2020 and costs $599. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Utilities

Q-Proxies is a commercial MAXScript that automatically creates multiple proxy objects to replace high-poly meshesin your scene, speeding up work on heavy scenes. You can manipulate proxies in many ways: move, rotate, scale, change their aspect, add modifiers or animate them. Q-Proxies will replace them for the original objects at render time and transfer those changes. It uses Max standard Editable Meshes and works independently from the current renderer. This makes the proxies compatible with all render engines and third-party proxy objects. It can also automatically replace complex animated characters (including the whole rig) for simple low-poly animated meshes. So you can have them as a reference in scene and work comfortably with less memory consumption and smooth viewport performance.

A simplified Lite version is also available. It should be suitable for most cases, but has no support for animated objects or characters. It can be upgraded to the full version at any time.

Q-Proxies is available for Max 2015 to 2020 and normally costs $45 for the full version and $25 for the lite version. Currently you can get a license for $22.50 (full) and $17.50 (lite). A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Modelling

Panelizer is a topology based paneling modifier. It preserves material IDs, smoothing groups and sub-object selections. It has various ways of applying the paneling, and multiple panel alignment options.

Panelizer Modifier is available for Max 2018 to 2020 and costs $12.99.

Plugin Update: Import / Export

Changes for v1.81 are:
- Fixes a bug with the UV weld parameter store
- Fixes a bug with wrong UV coordinates if UV Weld wasn't checked

Din3D Importer is available for Max 2010 to 2020 and costs €59. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Objects

MeshLink is a procedural object for loading single files or file-sequences using supported importers (currently OBJ and PLY). You can also load an 'Object-File-List' (*.ofl, similar to *.ifl Image File Lists), in which you can specify the filename, rotation and scale. Included is a slightly improved OBJ importer: it is the same importer which ships with Max, but with some minor bug-fixes, speed improvements, vertex color import and a redesigned UI.

Plugin Update: Particles

Changes for v0.16057 beta are:
- The Property Test neighbor radius parameter now has a variation setting
- Particle Export no longer exports .mat files if no actual materials are assigned to particles
- Adds a reference frame option to the tyActor helper
- Adds noise settings to all Surface Test tests
- Adds support for PhoenixFD4.xx (current beta)
- The Face Fracture rollout now has timing/filter parameters
- Adds group filter parameters to tySelect particle mode
- Adds a 'Show name' option to the tyMesher, tyCache and tySplines objects
- Fixes a bug in the Display Data operator where 'lineToTarget' would not display properly
- Fixes a bug where moving a particle pivot caused incorrect PhysX Shape hulls to be generated
- Fixes a bug with changing particle pivots with the Move Pivots operator
- Fixes a bug where Point Forces with a negative strength would be killed off too soon
- Forces tyMesher to ignore reset notifications during a save
- Fixes a bug where forces were not affecting the space colonization Grow algorithm
- Shape operators referencing a group of objects now respect the group head pivot point offset

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v2.6.49 are:
- Fixes a Max bug where transform updates for Ornatrix Hair have no effect in IPR
- Max IPR improvement: update animated object transforms when moving time slider
- Adds support for passing user data to Redshift Maya extensions
- Adds Maya support for assigning user data to Xgen, Ornatrix and Shave
- Fixes a Maya issue where instancers wouldn't render correctly when motion blur was enabled
- Adds experimental C4D support for IPR in the viewport
- Adds C4D support for automatically locking the RenderView to the render camera
- Adds C4D support for ignoring geometry modifications during IPR
- Adds C4D support for previewing Cryptomatte AOVs during IPR in bucket mode
- Adds C4D support for previewing Cryptomatte AOVs when rendering to the RenderView
- Adds a new C4D option to control whether a Maxon subscription license should be used or not
- Improves the C4D toolbar icon behavior in the RenderView
- Fixes an issue where the Cinema 4D Distorter shader could not be baked
- Fixes a C4D bug with inconsistent behavior with Save Project with Assets
- Fixes a C4D bug where Environment object transform changes weren't reflected in the IPR
- Fixes a C4D bug where scene edits might not be reflected in the IPR under certain conditions
- Fixes a C4D bug with automatic creation of materials from substances in R21
- Fixes the Houdini packed geo instancing in 'Centroid' pivot location mode
- Refactors the packed geo multi-thread extraction code in Houdini to avoid crashes and hangs
- Fixes some minor memory leaks in Houdini
- Adds a Houdini environment variable to set the default shader color to three float RGB values
- Adds a Houdini environment variable to open RenderView from the shelf tool without rendering
- Addresses the Houdini RenderView default opening size to fit all the toolbar icons
- Adds support for Houdini 17.5.391 and drops support for 17.5.293
- Fixes a Katana bug in the cryptomatte user custom IDs processing
- Adds a Katana environment variable to set the default shader color to three float RGB values
- Adds a Katana option to configure the channel data type in material, beauty and custom channels
- Katana now exports the puzzle matte and motion vector channels as RGB without the alpha channel
- Adds experimental Katana support for the XGen and Golaem procedurals
- Fixes a RenderView crash on R21 when taking snapshots
- Fixes a RenderView crash that could happen when deleting Snapshots
- Fixes a RenderView issue where the Pixel Sampler's stored pixel was not visible
- Fixes a RenderView bug where the Pixel Sampler was blocked from selecting a region of pixels
- Fixes a crash bug if transformation blur was enabled and IPR was running
- Adds a workaround for DeepEXR/Cryptomatte out of memory issues

Redshift is available for Max 2013 to 2020 and costs $500. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Import / Export

Changes for v2.16 are:
- WooCommerce integration has been implemented in the WordPress plugin and in Puzzles
- The WordPress plugin upload function now works better and tells you of any errors during upload
- Adds a new ambient occlusion algorithm providing better quality and performance
- The old SSAO puzzle is now deprecated but will continue to work
- SSAO is now enabled on iOS (previously it was forced off)
- The SSAO post-effect now works for skinned and morphed objects
- Screen-space reflection and refraction now work for skinned and morphed objects
- Adds a 'Shadow Bias' setting to the 'Verge3D Light Params' panel in Max
- Adds support for 'Source Axis' and 'Aligned to Upnode Axis' in the Look At constraint
- Implements a Download File puzzle
- Physics puzzles now support multi-material objects
- Physics puzzles no longer crash if no physics module is included in the app
- The Remove Object puzzle is now available for deleting objects from the scene
- The new Query Selector puzzle is available in the HTML category
- The Set Transform puzzle no longer modifies X, Y or Z values if they aren't specified
- The quote symbol (") can now be used in procedure names
- The Print Performance Info puzzle now displays how much time it took to load the scene
- The output from the Print Performance Info puzzle is now more structured
- The button for pausing and resuming rendering is now available in the Puzzles Editor
- The Ctrl-S shortcut can now be used for the Save operation in the Puzzles Editor
- User-created entries in the Puzzles Library can now be easily restored after an engine update
- The outlining effect has been improved
- The Outlining puzzle is no longer disabled by default
- Raycasting performance has been greatly improved by applying the BVH algorithm to geometry
- Verge3D now works on older iOS devices and older Android devices with Mali and Snapdragon GPUs
- Verge3D now prints a warning if the number of textures per shader is over the iOS limit of 8
- WebGL 1.0 is forced on iOS as WebGL 2.0 on this platform is still in development
- Removes odd Python cache files from the distribution resulting in a more compact archive file
- Fixes issues with broken touch move events due to a conflict with default touchscreen controls
- Scenes without any geometry no longer crash the engine
- Fixes a crash when screen-space reflection/refraction is enabled for glTF-compliant materials
- Fixes memory leaks in the Generate Normal Map puzzle that caused loss of WebGL context
- All post-process effects are now restored upon exiting the AR or VR modes

Verge3D is available for Max 2015 to 2020 and costs $290. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Import / Export

Changes for v1.7.4 are:
- Adds a completely new Tags interface to easily find, assign or create tags for your assets
- Tags can now be copied them from one asset and then added or replaced on another
- Adds support for FBX and BVH animations
- Adds visual information about the active Workspace
- The Design Connecter login is now part of the Products panel
- Adds a duplicate tag warning to prevent the creation of tags with the same name
- The Tags panel now shows parent tags during a search for context
- Minor bug-fixes and improvements
- Fixes a Max problem where the 'Current render settings' option was not rendering a preview
- Resetting all to default in Max now shows a warning message about saving to Connecter's database
- Exporting assets from Max with the 'split' option checked only saves the layer of the asset
- Render output paths are now cleared in the asset file in Max
- Minor Max UI improvements

Plugin Update: Texturing

Changes for v3.0.6 are:
- Adds a new Scale from Point function
- Adds new Transform Scale and Rotate from Zero functions
- Fixes a Tweaker and Aligner undo bug
- Fixes the wrong face selection in Pick Scale
- Fixes the wrong position in Align to Edge Center

UV Tools is available for Max 2013 to 2020 and costs $20.